The Newborn Monument is a typographic sculpture and tourist attraction in Pristina, Kosovo.
Katedrála svätej Matky Terezy je rímskokatolícka katedrála v hlavnom meste Kosova, Prištine.
The Jashar Pasha Mosque is a historical mosque in Pristina, Kosovo. The mosque was built in 1834 by the mayor of Skopje, Mehmet Yasar.
The Ethnological Treasure of Kosovo is an ethnographic museum in Pristina, Kosovo.
The Government of Kosovo exercises executive authority in the Republic of Kosovo.
Vysoká škola AAB je prvou neverejnou vysokoškolskou inštitúciou v Kosove.
Albanological Institute of Pristina, Albanian: Instituti Albanologjik i Prishtinës or Instituti Albanologjik - Prishtinë, is the main…