Katedrála svätej Matky Terezy je rímskokatolícka katedrála v hlavnom meste Kosova, Prištine.
The Newborn Monument is a typographic sculpture and tourist attraction in Pristina, Kosovo.
The Jashar Pasha Mosque is a historical mosque in Pristina, Kosovo. The mosque was built in 1834 by the mayor of Skopje, Mehmet Yasar.
The Ethnological Treasure of Kosovo is an ethnographic museum in Pristina, Kosovo.
Gazivode se nachází na řece Ibar na severozápadě Kosova. Se svojí rozlohou 11,9 km² je největší na území Kosova.
The New Bridge is a steel truss bridge crossing the Ibar river in Mitrovica, a city in northern Kosovo.