The Rigi is a mountain massif of the Alps, located in Central Switzerland.
Klášter Einsiedeln je benediktinské územní opatství ve švýcarské obci Einsiedeln, v kantonu Schwyz.
Upršané počasie? Navštívte najstarší krytý akvapark vo Švajčiarsku, kde na vás čakajú tobogany a ďalšie atrakcie.
Pfäffikon Castle is a castle in the municipality of Freienbach of the Canton of Schwyz in Switzerland.
Natur- und Tierpark Goldau is one of six scientifically managed zoos in Switzerland.
Jeskyně Hölloch se nachází ve Švýcarsku v údolí řeky Muota, asi 300 metrů východně od obce Stalden v kantonu Schwyz.
The Sihlsee is an artificial lake in the Swiss canton of Schwyz, near the town of Einsiedeln.
The Grynau Castle is the name of a castle tower in the municipality of Tuggen in the canton of Schwyz, built by the House of Rapperswil in…
Pragel Pass is a high mountain pass in the Swiss Alps between the cantons of Schwyz and Glarus between Muotathal and Netstal.
The Museum of the Swiss Charters of Confederation is a history museum in Schwyz.
Müller's Posthotel is located at an altitude of 1130 metres above sea level in the village of Oberiberg and offers accommodation units with…