Obrovský zábavný park každoročne pritiahne milióny návštevníkov. Je rozdelený na dve časti - Vrch a Pobrežie.
Populárny pouličný trh, kde môžete nakupovať za výhodné ceny. Stánky predávajú typický tovar dodávateľa - tašky, oblečenie, šatky a hodvábne…
Pláž sa nachádza v jednej z najdrahších obytných oblastí v HK. Je ľahko dostupný mestskou hromadnou dopravou a je obľúbený medzi miestnymi…
Jumbo Kingdom consists of the Jumbo Floating Restaurant and the adjacent Tai Pak Floating Restaurant, are renowned tourist attractions in…
Farebná svätyňa je zasvätená bohyni milosrdenstva. Má pomerne nezvyčajný pôdorys a pochváliť sa môže množstvom sôch.
Čistá piesočnatá pláž je skutočným rajom. Pláž obklopenú zelenými pahorkami obľubujú najmä surfisti.
The Repulse Bay is a residential building and commercial arcade, located at 109 Repulse Bay Road in the Repulse Bay area of Hong Kong.
Pok Fu Lam Country Park is located on Pok Fu Lam, the western end of the Southern District of Hong Kong Island.
The Tai Tam Waterworks Heritage Trail is a heritage trail in Hong Kong that comprises 22 waterworks structures with historical value near…
Hong Kong Maritime Museum is a non-profit educational institution funded by the international shipping community and the government in Hong…
Aberdeen Country Park is located on the south end of Hong Kong Island near the area called Aberdeen, Hong Kong.
Joyce Boutique Holdings Limited is a Hong Kong fashion retailer which is engaged in the franchise of fashion, accessories and cosmetics…
The Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum is a museum in Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong.
Small beach that is generally more peaceful than Repulse Bay. Popular with LGBT community.
St Stephen's College is a Christian Direct Subsidy Scheme co-educational secondary school in Stanley, Hong Kong.