Jediná podobnosť Times Square s bratom New Yorku spočíva v jeho mene a na tom, že sa tu konajú oslavy na Štedrý deň a Silvestra.
Námestie nazývané aj Promenáda Expo postavili na oslavu zjednotenia Hongkongu a Číny v roku 1997.
Tento verejný park bol zrekonštruovaný v roku 2000 a teraz ponúka viacero športových zariadení - basketbalové a tenisové kurty, futbalové…
Fantastické nákupné miesto, kde si môžete kúpiť veľa lacných miestnych potravín, ako sú ovocie, zelenina, mäso a ryby, rovnako ako domáce…
Wan Chai District is one of the 18 districts of Hong Kong. Of the four on Hong Kong Island, it is north-central, and had 166,695 residents…
Highcliff is a luxury apartment building on a south slope of Happy Valley on Hong Kong Island in Hong Kong.
Čung-chuan kuang-čchang je tretí najvyšší mrakodrap v Hongkongu. Má výšku 374 metrov.
The Hung Shing Temple in Wan Chai, Hong Kong is one of the forty-two temples dedicated to Hung Shing in the Hong Kong.
Postavený v 18. storočí klanom Tai, tento taoistický chrám ctí bohyňu mora.
The Noonday Gun is a former naval artillery piece mounted on a small enclosed site near the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter on Hong Kong…
The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre is one of the two major convention and exhibition venues in Hong Kong, along with…
Najväčší obchodný dom v HK. So svojimi 16 poschodiami môžete získať takmer všetko, čo potrebujete - oblečenie, domáce potreby, kozmetiku…
The Old Wan Chai Post Office is the oldest surviving post office building in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Arts Centre is a non-profit arts institution and art museum established in 1977.
Múzeum sídli v budove bývalej policajnej stanice Wan Chai Gap a približuje fascinujúce dejiny hongkonskej kriminality.
Hysan Place is a shopping centre and office building at 500 Hennessy Road, Lee Garden, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts is a provider of tertiary education in Hong Kong.
The 7 Mallory Street, formerly Comix Home Base and Green House, is a block of ten tenement houses located at 1–11, Mallory Street and 6–12…
Sunlight Tower is a 40-storey skyscraper located at 248 Queen's Road East, in the Wan Chai district of Hong Kong.
The True Light Middle School of Hong Kong is a well-known girls' school located at Tai Hang, Hong Kong Island.