Chrám Kristovho vzkriesenia - Spasiteľa na krvi je petrohradský pravoslávny chrám, ktorý bol vybudovaný na mieste, kde bol v roku 1881…
The Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia is a privately owned museum which was established by Viktor Vekselberg and his Link of Times…
Štátne ruské múzeum je umeleckohistorické múzeum v ruskom meste Petrohrad, najväčšie múzeum špecializujúce sa výhradne na ruské a sovietske…
Elisseeff Emporium in St. Petersburg is a large retail and entertainment complex, including a famous food hall, constructed in 1902–1903 for…
Michajlovský zámek je bývalá rezidence ruských carů, která se nachází na Sadové ulici v Petrohradě.
The Mikhailovsky Palace is a grand ducal palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The Russian Museum of Ethnography is a museum in St. Petersburg that houses a collection of about 500,000 items relating to the ethnography,…
The Mikhailovsky Garden is a large area of parkland and landscape garden in the centre of Saint Petersburg.
The Anichkov Palace, a former imperial palace in Saint Petersburg, stands at the intersection of Nevsky Avenue and the Fontanka River.
Alexandrinské divadlo alebo aj Leningradské štátne akademické divadlo drámy A. S.
Circus Ciniselli was the first brick-built circus in Russia; it is situated beside the Fontanka in Saint Petersburg.
Katolícky chrám svätej Kataríny je jeden z chrámov slúžiacich príslušníkom rímskokatolíckej cirkvi v Petrohrade.
Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater, formerly known as Gorky Bolshoi Drama Theater, often referred to as the Bolshoi Drama Theater and by the…
The Monument to Peter I is a bronze equestrian monument of Peter the Great in front of the St. Michael's Castle in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Chrám svätej Kataríny je chrám Arménskej apoštolskej cirkvi v Sankt Peterburgu.
Ruská národná knižnica je knižnica v Petrohrade. Je jednou z dvoch najvýznamnejších knižníc v Rusku a patrí medzi popredné svetové knižnice.
The Grand Hotel Europe is a historic five-star luxury hotel on Nevsky Prospect in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The Nikolay Akimov Saint Petersburg Comedy Theatre is a theatre at 56 Nevsky Prospect, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The Naryshkin-Shuvalov Palace, also known as the Shuvalov Palace, is a Neoclassical building on the Fontanka Embankment in Saint…
The Saint Petersburg University of Economics is a public university located in Saint Petersburg, Russia.