Chrám Najsvätejšej Trojice je pravoslávny chrám v Sankt Peterburgu. Nachádza sa na Trojičnom námestí.
Tauridský, respektive Tavridský palác je jedna z nejrozlehlejších staveb Petrohradu.
Leningrad Hero City Obelisk is a monument in the shape of an obelisk located in Vosstaniya Square in Saint Petersburg, Russia, which was…
Ruská národná knižnica je knižnica v Petrohrade. Je jednou z dvoch najvýznamnejších knižníc v Rusku a patrí medzi popredné svetové knižnice.
Vladimírsky chrám alebo Chrám Vladimírskej ikony Matky Božej je pravoslávny chrám v Petrohrade na Vladimírskom prospekte.
The Tolstoy House is the most well-known apartment building in St. Petersburg, located at 15-17 Rubinstein Street and 54 Fontanka Embankment.
Beloselsky Belozersky Palace is a Neo-Baroque palace at the intersection of the Fontanka River and Nevsky Prospekt in Saint Petersburg,…
St. Anne's Church is a Lutheran church in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It was built in 1775-1779 by Georg Friedrich Veldten for the German…
Leonhard Paul Euler bol švajčiarsky matematik a fyzik, ktorý prežil väčšinu svojho života v Rusku a Nemecku.
Transfiguration Cathedral is an Eastern Orthodox cathedral. It is located on Transfiguration Square, just off Liteyny Prospekt near the…
The Russian State Arctic and Antarctic Museum is a museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Bolshoy Dom is an office building located at 4 Liteyny Avenue in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Suvorov Memorial Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia is a military museum dedicated to the memory of Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov.
Michail Vasilievič Lomonosov bol ruský prírodovedec, filozof, chemik, spisovateľ a maliar; iniciátor založenia univerzity v Moskve 1755.
Tichvinský hřbitov je nejvýznamnější hřbitov ležící na území kláštera sv. Alexandra Něvského v Petrohradu v Rusku.
Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology was founded in 1828. It is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in Russia, and…
The Saint Petersburg University of Economics is a public university located in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The Saint Petersburg State Youth Theatre on the Fontanka is a theatre on the banks of the River Fontanka in Saint Petersburg founded in…
The Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Memorial Museum-Apartment is a branch of the St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music.
The Column of Glory, sometimes called the Russo-Turkish War Memorial column, is a victory memorial situated in the immediate surroundings…
Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was a Catholic cathedral in the city of St.