Kopenhag Üniversitesi, Danimarka'nın en eski üniversitesidir. 1479 yılında öğretime başlayan üniversite, Uppsala Üniversitesi'nden sonra…
Danimarka Teknik Üniversitesi Danimarka'nın başkenti Kopenhag'ın kuzeyinde bir üniversite. 1829 yılında Hans Christian Ørsted'in…
The IT University of Copenhagen is a public university and research institution in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The South Campus, also known as KUA, is one of University of Copenhagen's four campuses in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Copenhagen Faculty of Theology is the smallest faculty at the University of Copenhagen, with three departments and the affiliated…
The Forest and Landscape College, now part of University of Copenhagen, is located in Nødebo in the southern part of Grib Forest, Hillerød…