丹麦技术大学 ,坐落于丹麦首都哥本哈根大区,由著名物理学家奥斯特于1829年创建。这是一所历史悠久、科研实力雄厚的世界顶尖理工大学,世界最具创新力大学之一,是欧洲卓越理工大学联盟、北欧五校联盟成员之一。
The IT University of Copenhagen is a public university and research institution in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The South Campus, also known as KUA, is one of University of Copenhagen's four campuses in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Copenhagen Faculty of Theology is the smallest faculty at the University of Copenhagen, with three departments and the affiliated…
The Forest and Landscape College, now part of University of Copenhagen, is located in Nødebo in the southern part of Grib Forest, Hillerød…