Viktorya Anıtı, Londra'da bulunmaktadır. Kraliçenin bahçelerinin merkezine; Buckingham Sarayı'nın ön cephesine konuşlandırılmıştır.
Peter Pan'ın herhalde çok fazla tanıtıma ihtiyacı yok. Bu özgür ruhlu çocuk, Neverland'ın gizemlerini ve maceralarını keşfetmek için yola…
Nelson’taki Sütun, Trafalgar Meydanı’nın hakim olduğu uzun anıt. İngiltere'nin en sevilen kahramanlarından biri olan Amiral Horatio Nelson'ı…
The statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square, London, is a bronze sculpture of the former British prime minister Winston Churchill,…
The Agatha Christie Memorial is a memorial to author and playwright Agatha Christie, located at the intersection of Cranbourn Street and…
Bronze sculpture celebrating the relationship between Churchill and Roosevelt.
The Royal Artillery Memorial is a First World War memorial located on Hyde Park Corner in London, England.
IV. George ya da George Augustus Frederick, 29 Ocak 1820'den ölümüne kadar Birleşik Krallık ve Hannover kralı. Babası III.
The equestrian statue of Charles I at Charing Cross, London, England, is a work by the French sculptor Hubert Le Sueur, probably cast in…
The Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain, popularly but incorrectly known as "Eros", is a fountain surmounted by a winged statue of Anteros,…
William Tyndale, infazına kadar geçen yıllarda Protestan Reformunda önde gelen isimlerden biri olan İngiliz bir bilgindi.
Douglas Haig, 1. Kont Haig,, I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında uzun süre Fransa'daki Britanyalı kuvvetlerinin başkomutanlığını…
Major-General Sir Henry Havelock was a British general who is particularly associated with India and his recapture of Cawnpore during the…
General Sir Charles James Napier, was an officer and veteran of the British Army's Peninsular and 1812 campaigns, and later a Major General…
The Guards Crimean War Memorial is a Grade II listed memorial in St James's, London, that commemorates the Allied victory in the Crimean…
Marshal of the Royal Air Force Hugh Montague Trenchard, 1st Viscount Trenchard, was a British officer who was instrumental in establishing…
The statue of James Outram, a work by Matthew Noble, stands in Whitehall Gardens in London, south of Hungerford Bridge.