维多利亚女王纪念碑 是位于英国伦敦的一座大型纪念碑和雕塑组合,建于1911年。纪念碑的基座由2300吨汉白玉构成。
彼得潘可能不需要太多介绍。这个自由奔放的男孩是巴里(J. M. Barrie)童话剧中的英雄,在那里他着手探索梦幻岛(Neverland)的奥秘和历险。
纳尔逊纪念柱 位于伦敦市中心的特拉法加广场,高51.59米,纪念死于1805年特拉法加海战的海军上将霍雷肖·纳尔逊。纳尔逊纪念柱兴建于1840年到1843年,由威廉·莱尔顿设计,费用47…
The statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square, London, is a bronze sculpture of the former British prime minister Winston Churchill,…
The Agatha Christie Memorial is a memorial to author and playwright Agatha Christie, located at the intersection of Cranbourn Street and…
Bronze sculpture celebrating the relationship between Churchill and Roosevelt.
The Royal Artillery Memorial is a First World War memorial located on Hyde Park Corner in London, England.
乔治四世 ,全名乔治·奥古斯都·弗雷德里克 ,1762年至1820年担任威尔士亲王,1811起因父王乔治三世患精神病而兼任摄政,1820年1月29日正式继位为联合王国国王和汉诺威国王,直至1830年6月26日驾崩。
The equestrian statue of Charles I at Charing Cross, London, England, is a work by the French sculptor Hubert Le Sueur, probably cast in…
The Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain, popularly but incorrectly known as "Eros", is a fountain surmounted by a winged statue of Anteros,…
Major-General Sir Henry Havelock was a British general who is particularly associated with India and his recapture of Cawnpore during the…
General Sir Charles James Napier, was an officer and veteran of the British Army's Peninsular and 1812 campaigns, and later a Major General…
The Guards Crimean War Memorial is a Grade II listed memorial in St James's, London, that commemorates the Allied victory in the Crimean…
第一代特伦查德子爵休·蒙塔古·特伦查德,GCB,OM,GCVO,DSO 英国空军元帅,英国皇家空军之父。
The statue of James Outram, a work by Matthew Noble, stands in Whitehall Gardens in London, south of Hungerford Bridge.