犹太广场是奥地利维也纳的一个广场,位于内城区 。在中世纪,这里是维也纳犹太人社区的中心。它紧靠 Am Hof 广场、操场和维普林格大街 。
The Jüdisches Museum Wien, trading as Jüdisches Museum der Stadt Wien GmbH or the Jewish Museum Vienna, is a museum of Jewish history, life…
What looks as an ordinary house from the outside is a modern synagogue inside. Destroyed in the WW2, it was renovated to perfection in 1993.
格拉茨新犹太会堂 是奥地利城市格拉茨的一座犹太会堂,位于穆尔河右岸。第一次世界大战之前,格拉茨有约2,000名犹太人。在第二次世界大战结束后,格拉茨仅有约150名犹太人。新犹太会堂由Jörg和Ingrid Mayr设计。
The Jewish cemetery in Roßau, which is also known at the Seegasse Jewish cemetery because of its location in the Seegasse, is the oldest…