The old town is made up of unique mixture of styles, marked by the presence of Habsburgs. Charming streets and impressive buildings.
穆尔岛 是奥地利格拉茨的地标,实际上并不是一座岛屿,而是在穆尔河中间一个人造的漂浮平台。穆尔岛由纽约艺术家维托·阿肯锡为格拉茨设计,也是2003年欧洲文化之都的作品之一。
格拉兹主教座堂 ,也称圣基尔斯主教座堂 ,是位于奥地利城市格拉兹的一座教堂,也是天主教格拉茨-塞考教区的主教座堂。教堂修建于1438年至1462年期间,为哥特式建筑。
城堡山 是位于奥地利格拉茨的一处被森林覆盖的山丘。城堡山现在是一座公园,在这里可俯瞰全市的景色。山上有一些娱乐设施,咖啡厅和餐厅,由格拉茨市政府的企业运营。
Riegersburg Castle is a medieval castle situated on a dormant volcano above the town of Riegersburg in the Austrian state of Styria.
The bridge features a construction which is also called "stairway to nothingness". Breathtaking views are guaranteed.
This park is well worth the journey from the city centre, being recognised as a leading exhibition space for the modern sculpture.
玛丽亚采尔圣殿 又名圣母诞辰圣殿 ,是奥地利城市玛丽亚采尔的一座罗马天主教的教堂。这座教堂是奥地利最重要的朝圣目的地之一,也是欧洲参观人数最多的教堂之一。
The Leopoldsteinersee is a mountain lake in Styria, in the east of Austria, about 4 kilometres northwest of the city of Eisenerz.
Burgruine Gallenstein is a castle in Styria, Austria. The partially ruined Gallenstein Castle hosts many concerts and exhibitions as well as…
The Mürzsteg Hunting Lodge is a small lodge in Mürzsteg, Styria which has served as the summer residence of the president of Austria since…
Rejuvenate your mind in this luxurious spa which was designed by the famous Austrian architect Hundertwasser. There is a hotel and park, too.
洛瑟山 ,是奥地利的山峰,位于该国中部,由施泰尔马克州负责管辖,属于托特斯山脉的一部分,海拔高度1,837米,每年平均降雨量1,801毫米。
Grüner See is a lake in Styria, Austria in a village named Tragöß, which is part of the municipality Tragöß-Sankt Katharein.
布尔高 是奥地利施蒂利亚州菲尔斯滕费尔德县的一个市镇。总面积19.99平方公里,2001年总人口1,009人,人口密度50.5人/平方公里。
Schloss Seggau is a castle situated in Seggauberg in southern Styria, Austria.
Frauenburg is a castle in the Mur Valley in Styria, Austria.
The ruins of Schachenstein Castle are located in the municipality of Thörl, above the village not far from the Thörlbach stream and north…