康拉德·赫尔曼·约瑟夫·阿登纳 ,曾任西德总理。生于德意志帝国科隆,逝世于西德莱茵-勒恩多夫 ,二战前曾以天主教中央党身份担任科隆市长十几年,二战结束后当选首位西德总理、德国基督教民主联盟党魁,著名政治家、法学家。
Hans "Hennes" Weisweiler was a German professional football player and coach.
Herbert Gerigk was a German musicologist, notable for his co-authoring of the Nazi Lexicon of Jews in Music.
Heinrich Schüchtermann was a German entrepreneur and philanthropist.
Johanna Friederika Henriette Katharina Davidis arguably is Germany's most famous cookbook author.
Bernhard Hoetger was a German sculptor, painter and handicrafts artist of the Expressionist movement.