The Château de Gevrey-Chambertin is a castle located in Burgundy, 12 km from Dijon and 30 km from Beaune.
拉罗谢波城堡 是一座13世纪法国城堡,位于勃艮第科多尔省博讷西南6号国道上的拉罗谢波小镇以北的石灰岩上。
法式城堡 是法国庄园领主的宅邸,或是绅士、贵族的住所,不一定拥有防御设施,并非真正意义上的城堡。许多法式城堡都位在卢瓦尔河流域,例如昂布瓦斯城堡、香波尔城堡和舍农索城堡等等,形成了卢瓦尔河谷城堡群。
The Château de Commarin in the commune of Commarin in the Côte-d'Or département, Burgundy, France, has passed through 26 generations in the…
The Château d'Éguilly is a castle in the commune of Éguilly in the Côte-d'Or département of France, close to the A6 autoroute.