皮托克邸 是位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰的一座法式城堡,为法国文艺复兴式风格。皮托克邸建造于1914年,曾是俄勒冈人报创办人亨利˙皮托克与其夫人乔治安娜˙伯顿˙皮托克的宅邸。该宅邸占地46英亩,并有46个房间,以特奈诺的砂岩所建造。现在皮托克邸由波特兰市公园局所有。
A grotto is a natural or artificial cave.
Salmon Street Springs, or Salmon Street Fountain, is an outdoor water fountain at the intersection of Naito Parkway at Southwest Salmon in…
Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden is a botanical garden located between Reed College and the Eastmoreland Golf Course in southeastern…
USS Blueback is a Barbel-class submarine that served in the United States Navy from 1959 to 1990, and subsequently was made into an exhibit…
The Armory, historically known as the First Regiment Armory Annex, and home to Portland Center Stage at The Armory, is a historic building…