韦兹莱隐修院 是一座位于法国勃艮第大区约讷省南部韦兹莱的本笃会隐修院。始建于1096年。据称圣玛利亚·玛达肋纳就安葬于此。1146年,在教宗的授意下,圣伯尔纳铎在此为参加第二次十字军东征的信徒进行了布道。韦兹莱隐修院最著名的地方是其勃艮第罗马式的雕刻。
This magnificent church was built in Neo-Byzantine style. Its construction started in 1933 and it's listed as a national monument.
廊香教堂 ,又称龙尚教堂,台湾有时根据法语实际发音译作宏香教堂,是位于法国东部勃艮第-弗朗什-孔泰大区上索恩省镇龙尚的一座罗马天主教圣母朝圣小圣堂,由法国…
圣费罗提欧圣殿 位于法国贝桑松的圣费耶克斯区 ,供奉埋葬于该堂的贝桑松的主保圣人,圣法尔若圣费罗提欧。建筑风格兼具罗马式和拜占庭式。建于1884-1901年。
If you happen to be in the neighbourhood, come check out this unusual building - an example of a modern church designed in 1960.
Saint-Claude Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral dedicated to Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Saint Andrew, and a national monument of…
The Chartreuse de Champmol, formally the Chartreuse de la Sainte-Trinité de Champmol, was a Carthusian monastery on the outskirts of Dijon,…
The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paray-le-Monial, commonly known as Basilica of Paray-le-Monial, is a Romanesque church dedicated to the…