This is probably the most beautiful cave in Switzerland. Cave of impressive size full of gorgeous stalagmites and stalactites.
威戈 是一家以制造瑞士军刀等工具产品作为主业的瑞士公司,也是两个官方瑞士军刀品牌之一。2005年时被另一品牌瑞士维氏 收购。2005年Victorinox收购Wenger后成为唯一为瑞士军方供应瑞士军刀的公司,在合并之前,两家公司会各自售予瑞士军队相同数量的军刀。
Saint-Ursanne is an old town and a former municipality of the district of Porrentruy in the canton of Jura, Switzerland which has preserved…
This 'gorge of 1,000 springs' is a real marvel as it is interwoven with numerous streams and waterfalls. Wonderful scenery, easy hike.
Visit this museum to go back in time and discover the way how peasants in Jura used to live. All in a rural house from the 16th century.