史丹利公园 是一个位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的市区公园。公园面积有404.9公顷 ,是加拿大最大与北美第三大市立公园。公园每年吸引大概800万人次游览,包括本地居民和外地游客。一条8.8公里…
中山公园是加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华华埠一个主要景点。公园分为免费和收费两个部分:免费公园 采中式设计,但用料主要来自北美,并由温哥华公园局直接管理;收费公园…
女皇公园 ,又称伊利沙伯皇后公园,是一个位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的市区公园。公园座落甘比街夹33街一带,离海平面152米,是温市的地理最高点。公园占地52.78公顷,每年游人数目达600万人次,为温哥华继史丹利公园后年度游人数目第二多的公园。
Lost Lake is a lake located in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. The area around it, Lost Lake Park, is part of the municipal park system…
Thunderbird Park is a park in Victoria, British Columbia next to the Royal British Columbia Museum.
Vanier Park is a municipal park located in the Kitsilano neighbourhood of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, created in 1967.
Beacon Hill Park is a 75 ha park located along the shore of Juan de Fuca Strait in Victoria, British Columbia.
Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site is a 19th-century coastal artillery fort on the Colwood side of Esquimalt Harbour,.
Paddlewheel Park is a small city park on the Fraser River in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada.