六本木新城 ,又称六本木之丘,是位于日本东京六本木的都市复合开发区,由森大厦主导开发,是日本规模最大的都市更新计划之一。
109百货 是日本东急的全资子公司“株式会社SHIBUYA109娱乐”所开设的时装大楼及企业品牌。“109”的名称来自“东急”的日语谐音,同时也是其营业时间:上午10点至下午9点。
A shopping mall that takes Venice as its theme. Features mainly all kinds of fashion brands.
Mandarake 是日本的一家专门销售漫画类书籍的古书店。Mandarake由漫画家古川益三在1980年创业于东京都中野区的中野百老汇。1994年,Mandarake开设了涩谷店。1999年开设了洛杉矶店。2000年,Mandarake股票在东京证券交易所上市。
伊势丹 是一家日本连锁百货公司,由三越伊势丹控股旗下的株式会社三越伊势丹负责营运。在日本关东地方、中国和东南亚等地设有分店。
If you are a shopping enthusiast, this popular department store is simply perfect for you - it offers tax-free goods of high quality!
神保町古书街 ,又称为神田古书店街 ,位于日本东京都千代田区神田神保町,是日本乃至于全球最大的旧书店街,有“旧书的圣地”之称。
Akihabara's branch of Yodobashi Camera chain store, a popular brand focusing primarily on electronic products.
This spectacular toy store offers a wide variety of toys not only for children, but for grownups as well.
This artificial island is a Mecca of commerce. Visit this huge mall, browse the stores and try out the gaming arcade.
Visit this convenience store offering not only groceries and household items, but also a take-out sushi and other foods.
Connected to the Shinjuku Station, this shopping complex has a convenient location and many stores and restaurants waiting to be explored.