The Museum of Tomorrow is a science museum in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
科帕卡瓦纳炮台 是一个位于巴西里约热内卢科帕卡瓦纳南边沙滩的军事基地。目前已于此设立军事历史博物馆,开放大众参观。
圣保罗艺术博物馆 ,在当地常简称为MASP,是巴西最重要的艺术博物馆。主要收藏了大量的画作,但也有收藏二次世界大战后雕刻家的作品。
萨普卡伊侯爵森巴场 ,或称达西·里贝罗教授走秀场 、森巴场 ,是位于巴西里约热内卢市中心的特别游行区。每年里约嘉年华期间,来自各间森巴学校的成员在此游行,吸引了成千上万名游客前来观赏。
The Centro Cultural Municipal Parque das Ruínas, or simply Parque das Ruínas, is a public park with an art gallery built around the ruins…
经院庭院 是指巴西圣保罗一处历史悠久的耶稣会教堂和学校 ,这个名字也用来指教堂前的广场。经院庭院标志着圣保罗市建于1554年创建的地点。
The São Paulo Museum of Image and Sound is a public museum of audio-visual works, established in 1970, and located in São Paulo, Brazil.
Discover the history and the present of Minas Gerais in this amazing museum. The exhibitions in its 31 rooms are very interactive.
The largest cultural center of the city and also one of the best ones in Brazil. It houses theaters, galleries, libraries and more.
As its name suggests, this museum presents collections of Brazilian arts, handcrafts, tools and a lot more.
Museu da Inconfidência or Museum of the Inconfidência is a history museum dedicated to those who died in a failed rebellion movement…
Don't miss out on the museum housing a famous piece of folk art - Pipiripau Nativity Crèche. The gardens around are lush and well-maintained.