这个着名的瀑布拥有清澈碧绿的海水,是一个令人惊叹的度假胜地,拥它实际上包括三个瀑布 - 第一个是最着名和最大的瀑布。从那里,你可以爬到其他人。
Enjoy swimming and snorkeling in absolutely clear water or just do a bit of sunbathing on the shore with perfect white sand.
巧克力山 位于菲律宾保和省中部的卡门 附近,估计由1,268至约1,776个圆锥形的山丘构成,高度从30到50米不等,最大的高度为120米…
圣奥斯定堂、圣奥古斯丁教堂 位于马尼拉王城区的古城墙内,是1607年落成的罗马天主教奥斯定会教堂,教堂建筑本身是菲律宾最古老的建筑物。
圣佩德罗堡 是一个军事防御建筑,由西班牙征服者米格尔·洛佩斯·黎牙实比和宿务殖民当局下令建造,1565年5月8日动工,位于菲律宾宿务市的码头区,现在被称为独立广场 的区域,成为菲律宾第一个西班牙殖民地的核心。
The Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of the Assumption, commonly known as Santa Maria Church and Santa Maria Pro-cathedral, is a Roman…
Hinagdanan Cave is a cave in the municipality of Dauis on Panglao Island, in Bohol Province, in the Philippines.
黑拿撒勒人 ,或称黑耶稣,是一个真人尺寸、木制的黑色耶稣雕像,位于菲律宾马尼拉奎阿坡区黑拿撒勒人圣殿 。它被制作来奉献给耶稣基督,菲律宾当地称为我们的天父拿撒勒人耶稣 。当地信徒在每年1月9日会将雕像抬出来游行,当地人相信它可以赐福给曾经看过或摸过它的人。
Hinulugang Taktak Protected Landscape, also known as Hinulugan Taktak, is a protected area located in Rizal, Philippines.
Maria Cristina Falls is a waterfall of the Agus River in the Northern Mindanao region of the Philippines.
The Ferdinand E. Marcos Presidential Center is a museum situated in Batac, Ilocos Norte dedicated to former Philippine president and…
The Banaue Rice Terraces are terraces that were carved into the mountains of Banaue, Ifugao, in the Philippines, by the ancestors of the…
Located in stunning surroundings, these waterfalls will charm you with crystal-clear water. They're usually less crowded than other falls.
眼镜猴科 ,也叫跗猴,是哺乳纲灵长目的一科,也是跗猴型下目目前仍生存的唯一科,其下共有3属约13种现存眼镜猴。在欧亚非大陆都有本科的化石记录,但目前现存物种的分布范围仅限于东南亚的马来群岛上。
Masjid Al-Dahab is situated in the predominantly Muslim section of the Quiapo district in Manila, Philippines, and is considered the…
加莱拉港 ,位于菲律宾东民都洛省最西北方的一个地区,距离首府马尼拉大约130千米 ,以旅游业最为出名,当地的沙璜湾 自1973年已被联合国教科文组织列为人与生物圈保护区 ,拥有全亚洲最多样化的珊瑚礁,是区内知名的潜水胜地。