圣雅各堂 是荷兰海牙的一座宏伟的新教教堂,位于以其高塔命名的塔街 。它与内庭同为海牙最古老的建筑之一。
Designed in Art Deco style, this church boasts exquisite stained-glass windows as well as tower offering panoramic views of Scheveningen.
The Kloosterkerk is a church on the Lange Voorhout in The Hague, Netherlands.
The Christian Community is a liberal and esoterically-oriented Christian denomination established in Germany in 1922 by Lutheran ministers…
This splendorous Protestant church built in the 13th century is actually the oldest building of The Hague.
Dating back to the 17th century, this church's site used to be a bomb shelter in the past. Its interior is simple yet elegant.