维多利亚女王纪念碑 是位于英国伦敦的一座大型纪念碑和雕塑组合,建于1911年。纪念碑的基座由2300吨汉白玉构成。
彼得潘可能不需要太多介绍。这个自由奔放的男孩是巴里(J. M. Barrie)童话剧中的英雄,在那里他着手探索梦幻岛(Neverland)的奥秘和历险。
纳尔逊纪念柱 位于伦敦市中心的特拉法加广场,高51.59米,纪念死于1805年特拉法加海战的海军上将霍雷肖·纳尔逊。纳尔逊纪念柱兴建于1840年到1843年,由威廉·莱尔顿设计,费用47…
The statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square, London, is a bronze sculpture of the former British prime minister Winston Churchill,…
The Agatha Christie Memorial is a memorial to author and playwright Agatha Christie, located at the intersection of Cranbourn Street and…
The Royal Artillery Memorial is a First World War memorial located on Hyde Park Corner in London, England.
The Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain, popularly but incorrectly known as "Eros", is a fountain surmounted by a winged statue of Anteros,…
保罗·戴(Paul Day)制作的一尊青铜雕像,描绘了保罗和凯瑟琳之间的拥抱。它代表了圣潘克拉斯作为英国和法国之间铁路连接终点的角色。
Robert Raikes was an English philanthropist and Anglican layman. He was educated at The Crypt School in Gloucester.