海神喷泉 是一个宏伟的喷泉,位于意大利那不勒斯麦地那街,Pieta di Turchini堂南侧,斜对圣母加冕堂 。现移至市政厅广场
This fountain allegorically depicts four seasons of the year and can be seen in several old oil paintings. Ideal place to steal a kiss!
The fountain of the Esedra is the largest fountain in Naples, Italy, in the vast architectural complex of the Mostra d'Oltremare.
The Fontana della Sellaria or Selleria is a Baroque public fountain on piazzetta del Grande Archivio in Naples, Italy.
福米耶洛喷泉 是意大利那不勒斯一处历史悠久的公共喷泉,位于卡普阿城堡 的后面,面向恩里科德尼科拉广场 ,福米耶洛圣加大肋纳堂 及修道院的街对面。“福米耶洛”一词是指修道院内的喷水口的样式或容器。喷泉在19世纪后期用于储存,1930年在此重建。