六本木新城 ,又称六本木之丘,是位于日本东京六本木的都市复合开发区,由森大厦主导开发,是日本规模最大的都市更新计划之一。
109百货 是日本东急的全资子公司“株式会社SHIBUYA109娱乐”所开设的时装大楼及企业品牌。“109”的名称来自“东急”的日语谐音,同时也是其营业时间:上午10点至下午9点。
里原宿 是日本东京都涩谷区的神宫前到同区的千駄谷之间一带多间潮流服装店的总称。大多数店铺沿着原宿通 及旧涩谷川游步道…
伊势丹 是一家日本连锁百货公司,由三越伊势丹控股旗下的株式会社三越伊势丹负责营运。在日本关东地方、中国和东南亚等地设有分店。
If you are into Japanese fashion, go on a shopping spree at this mall! Also, several international brands have their stores here.
This spectacular toy store offers a wide variety of toys not only for children, but for grownups as well.
Visit this convenience store offering not only groceries and household items, but also a take-out sushi and other foods.
If you are a shopping enthusiast, this popular department store is simply perfect for you - it offers tax-free goods of high quality!
Connected to the Shinjuku Station, this shopping complex has a convenient location and many stores and restaurants waiting to be explored.