Sirkap is the name of an archaeological site on the bank opposite to the city of Taxila, Punjab, Pakistan.
摩亨佐-达罗 ,又译摩亨朱-达罗或摩亨佐达罗,亦有“死亡之丘” 之称,是印度河流域文明的重要城市,大约于公元前2600年建成,位于现今巴基斯坦信德省。摩亨佐…
梅赫尔格尔 位在今日巴基斯坦的俾路支省,是最重要的新石器时代考古地点之一,年代从公元前7000年到公元前2500年,且有着南亚发现过最早的农耕 及畜牧 遗迹。
Derawar Fort, is a large square fortress in Ahmadpur East Tehsil, Punjab, Pakistan.
Makli Necropolis is one of the largest funerary sites in the world, spread over an area of 10 kilometres near the city of Thatta, in the…
Gorkhatri is a public park in Peshawar, Pakistan, located within a Mughal-era caravanserai that was built at the site of ancient ruins.
摩亨佐-达罗 ,又译摩亨朱-达罗或摩亨佐达罗,亦有“死亡之丘” 之称,是印度河流域文明的重要城市,大约于公元前2600年建成,位于现今巴基斯坦信德省。摩亨佐…