The Catacombs of San Gennaro are underground paleo-Christian burial and worship sites in Naples, Italy, carved out of tuff, a porous stone.
朱庇特别墅 朱庇特是一座古罗马宫殿,位于意大利南部卡普里岛的东北角,由皇帝提贝里乌斯兴建,完成于27年。提贝里乌斯从罗马迁居于此,直到他在37年死亡。
帕埃斯图姆 是意大利坎帕尼亚地区的城镇。它位于奇伦托地区北部,那不勒斯东南方85公里萨莱诺省靠近海岸的地方,以古希腊建筑多立克柱式神庙而闻名。
The Fontanelle cemetery in Naples is a charnel house, an ossuary, located in a cave in the tuff hillside in the Materdei section of the…
赫库兰尼姆 是一个古老的城镇,位于现代意大利坎帕尼亚的埃尔科拉诺市镇。公元79年维苏威火山爆发时,赫库兰尼姆被埋在火山灰和浮石之下。
韦利亚 ,古希腊时期成为埃利亚,是意大利南部坎帕尼亚大区萨莱诺省奇伦托地区的古代城镇,由希腊人创建于公元前538–535年,是埃利亚学派哲学家巴门尼德和埃利亚的芝诺的故乡。韦利亚考古遗址,曾经位于一个海岬,现在位于内陆,中世纪更名为 Castellammare 。
The Temple of Athena is a Greek temple of Magna Graecia found at Paestum, in Capaccio Paestum, a comune in the province of Salerno in the…
The Temple of Hera II, is a Greek temple of Magna Graecia in Paestum, Campania, Italy.
Aeclanum was an ancient town of Samnium, Southern Italy, about 25 km east-southeast of Beneventum, on the Via Appia.
The Amphitheatre of Capua was a Roman amphitheatre in the city of Capua, second only to the Colosseum in size and probably the model for it.
塞萨奥伦卡 ,是意大利卡塞塔省的一个市镇。总面积163平方公里,人口22631人,人口密度138.8人/平方公里 。ISTAT代码为061088。
Compsa was an ancient city of the Hirpini, near the sources of the Aufidus, on the boundary of Lucania and not far from that of Apulia, on…
In ancient geography, the Ligures Baebiani were a settlement of Ligurians in Samnium, Italy.