圣嘉勒圣殿 ,位于意大利阿西西,是13世纪教堂,奉献给亚西西的圣方济各的追随者、贫穷修女会的会祖亚西西的圣嘉勒,安葬其遗体。教堂在著名建筑师Filippo Campello指导下开始动工。1260年10月3日,圣嘉勒的遗体迁葬于此,安放在新教堂祭坛的下面。
The so-called Temple of Clitumnus is a small early medieval church that sits along the banks of the Clitunno river in the town of…
翁布里亚国家美术馆 是意大利的一座国立美术馆,位于意大利中部翁布里亚大区城市佩鲁贾的普廖里宫。美术馆收藏13至19世纪的画作,其中又以14至16世纪的最多。美术馆内的画作展示在宫殿的40个画廊之内。美术馆的历史可以追溯至16世纪中期。
The Collegio del Cambio, is the historic seat of the exchange guild in the Palazzo dei Priori in the city of Perugia, Italy.
San Francesco is a gothic-style, former Roman Catholic church located in Montefalco, Province of Perugia, region of Umbria, Italy.
The Hypogeum of the Volumnus family is an Etruscan tomb in Ponte San Giovanni, a suburb of Perugia, Umbria, central Italy.
The Treasure museum of the basilica of Saint Francis contains a collection of sacred art that is on display in two halls found on the…
The Wine Museum of Torgiano is a private museum, specialized and completely dedicated to the culture of wine.
The Pinacoteca Comunale of Città di Castello is the main museum of paintings and arts of Umbria Italian Region, alongside the Perugia's…
The Pinacoteca Comunale di Deruta, located in the town's municipal office building, the medieval Palazzo dei Consoli is the town or comune…