米拉马雷城堡 是一座19世纪城堡,位于意大利东北部的里雅斯特附近的海边。它建于1856年到1860年,主人是奥地利大公马克西米利安·费迪南德和他的妻子,比利时的夏洛特,后来的墨西哥皇帝马西米连诺一世和卡洛塔皇后,设计者是卡尔·容克。
意大利统一广场 是意大利的里雅斯特的主广场,位于城堡山麓,面临亚得里亚海,为欧洲最大的临海广场。兴建此广场时,的里雅斯特是奥匈帝国的主要港口,广场上有该市的市政厅及其他重要建筑。
Grotta Gigante, also known as Riesengrotte or as Grotta di Brisciachi, is a giant cave on the Italian side of the Trieste Karst, close to…
Mangart Saddle or the Mangart Pass is a mountain saddle in the Julian Alps in northwestern Slovenia. It has an elevation of 2,072 metres.
Lake Predil is a lake near Cave del Predil, part of the Tarvisio municipality in the Province of Udine, in the Italian region of Friuli…
The Basilica of Sant'Eufemia is a minor basilica in Grado, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy, formerly a cathedral.
Duino Castle is a fourteenth-century fortification located in the village of Duino, located in the municipality of Duino-Aurisina, near…
Villa Manin is a Venetian villa located in the comune of Passariano in Codroipo, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, in northeastern Italy.
Lago di Cavazzo or Lago dei Tre Comuni is a lake in the Province of Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy.
The Castle of Udine is a historical building in Udine, Northern Italy, built upon a hill in the historical center of the city.
乌迪内圣母主教座堂 是天主教乌迪内总教区的主教座堂位于意大利东北部的乌迪内。该堂建于1236年,拉丁十字平面,1335年祝圣。1348年毁于地震,1368年开始重建。立面的大玫瑰窗也改为较小。
Nassfeld Pass is a 1,530-metre-high mountain pass connecting Hermagor in the Austrian state of Carinthia with Pontebba in the Italian…
The Oratorio di Santa Maria, or Oratory of Santa Maria, previously called the Tempietto longobardo, is located in Valle on the north…
Monte Zoncolan is a mountain in the Carnic Alps, located in the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy, with an elevation of 1,750 metres.
Duino Castle is a fourteenth-century fortification located in the village of Duino, located in the municipality of Duino-Aurisina, near…
F-104星式战斗机 是美国洛克希德公司所设计的单引擎全天候超音速拦截机/战斗机,战机世代上属于第二代战机,为美军世纪系列战斗机之一。由美国军火工业的传奇人物凯利·约翰逊 所领导的臭鼬工厂操刀设计,该单位也设计了U-2、SR-71、F-117、F-22、F-35等著名军机。F…
Duino Castle is a fourteenth-century fortification located in Duino, near Trieste, Italy, on the cliffs overlooking the Gulf of Trieste.