格但斯克奥利瓦天主圣三、圣母玛利亚及圣伯尔纳铎圣殿总主教座堂 是位于波兰格但斯克奥利瓦地区的一座教堂,献给三位一体、圣母玛利亚和圣伯尔纳铎。大教堂始建于1186年。1224年时教堂曾被烧毁,在1234年时重建。
Local monks took care of this beautiful park and its gardens in the past. Stroll down its walkways and admire the lush vegetation.
The Gdańsk Zoo is a zoological garden located in Gdańsk, Pomeranian Voivodship, Poland.
格但斯克大学 是位于波兰格但斯克的一所公立研究型大学。它是滨海省最大的大学,除去主校区外,在索波特和格丁尼亚还有两个分校。
This votive church was built as a thanksgiving for Prussian victory over Napoleon III. Admire its Neo-Gothic facade!
Climb up to this hill rising above Gdansk and enjoy the magnificent views of the city and its surroundings.