传统的购物中心是最古老的购物中心之一,毗邻Elevator Lacerda,面向All Saints Bay湾。这是购买手工艺品作为纪念品的理想场所。除了手工艺品商店外,还有两家餐厅供应巴伊亚州的传统美食。
A waterside monument on a broad square marks the very spot where Recife was first founded in 1537 by the Portuguese colonists.
缤纷主教堂是巴西巴伊亚萨尔瓦多的最著名的天主教教堂。它建于18世纪,位于萨尔瓦多下城的Itapagipe半岛的一座山上。该教堂是萨尔瓦多人虔诚祈祷之所,也是每年一月举办的一个著名庆典 之所。
Huge market where you will find any souvenir or gift you can think of. There are also countless food stalls, too.
The Dragão do Mar Center of Art And Culture is a government funded cultural center in Fortaleza, Ceará in Brazil.
The Ricardo Brennand Institute is a cultural institution located in the city of Recife, Brazil.
Named after a memorable Indian female, this urban beach is lined with many shops and bistros. Never stops being busy.
Out of all the amazing beaches you can choose from, the one near the Boa Viagem district stands out. A great place to chill out at!
With its baroque architecture, this building is outstanding. It was built in the 16th century as the first Franciscan convent in Brazil.
Beach Park is a Brazilian water park and resort, located at the beach of Porto das Dunas in Aquiraz, Fortaleza.
A sculpture park on the reefs of the port of Recife features over 90 sculptures by Francisco Brennand. Definitely a must-see.
Jericoacoara is a virgin beach hidden behind the dunes of the west coast of Jijoca de Jericoacoara, Ceará, Brazil.
卡皮瓦拉山脉国家公园 ,是巴西的国家公园,位于该国东北部皮奥伊州,成立于1979年6月5日,占地9.2万公顷,覆盖坎图杜布里蒂、若泽迪亚斯上校镇、皮奥伊州圣若昂和圣雷蒙多-诺纳图地区。
迪亚曼蒂纳高地国家公园 ,是巴西的国家公园,位于该国东北部巴伊亚州,成立于1985年9月17日,占地15.2万公顷,最高点海拔高度2,036米,覆盖帕尔梅拉斯、穆库热、伦索伊斯、伊比科阿拉和安达拉伊地区。
伦索伊斯-马拉年塞斯国家公园 是位于巴西东北部马拉尼昂州的国家公园,1981年6月2日成立;面积约15.5万公顷,覆盖巴雷里尼亚斯、普里梅拉克鲁斯和马拉尼昂河畔圣阿马鲁地区。
芒果树 也作檬果树、杧果树,是芒果属的一种植物,果实为芒果,原产南亚东北部和中南半岛,在梵语中叫作āmra,音译为“菴罗”,性喜高温、干燥的天气,营养生长期 最适合温度为24-30℃,气温降到18℃以下时生长缓慢,10℃以下停止生长,生殖生长期…
Forte de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios is a fort located on the island of Fernando de Noronha in the state of Pernambuco in Brazil.