弗赖堡大教堂 是一座位于德国 弗赖堡的大教堂,是贝特霍尔德五世于1200年左右以罗马式风格所兴建。并在1230年改建为哥特式建筑继续进行。大教堂部分建在1120年所成立的原始教堂的基础上。
The Schlossbergturm or Castle Hill Tower is a 35 m high observation tower on Castle Hill Schlossberg on the edge of the historic Altstadt…
The Lorettoberg, also known as Josephsbergle in Freiburg, is a mountain ridge in the South-West of the Wiehre district in the city of…
The Lorettoberg, also known as Josephsbergle in Freiburg, is a mountain ridge in the South-West of the Wiehre district in the city of…
The Loretto Baths, in short Lollo, is the oldest open-air swimming pool in Germany.
德赖堡萨姆球场 2014 年接受赞助冠名为“黑森林球场” ,位于德国巴登-符腾堡州布赖施高县弗赖堡市德莱萨姆河南岸,是德乙俱乐部弗赖堡体育俱乐部的主场。于 1954 年启用时只是一块简单的足球场地,之后历经数次增建翻修,现在德国国内比赛时四面看台可容纳 24,000 名观众…
The Seepark is a park in the district Betzenhausen of Freiburg im Breisgau which was constructed for the Landesgartenschau in 1986.
The Johanneskirche is a catholic church located in Freiburg im Breisgau.
The Protestant University of Applied Sciences Freiburg is a university of social work, diakonia and religious education.
Arlesheimer See is an artificial lake within the boundaries of Freiburg im Breisgau district, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
The Hugstetten rail disaster occurred on the railway line between Freiburg im Breisgau and Breisach am Rhein on 3 September 1882.
费吕基格湖 ,是德国的人工湖泊,位于该国西南部,由巴登-符腾堡州负责管辖,处于弗赖堡,面积0.1平方公里,海拔高度240米,最大水深25米。