香草河岸 是位于比利时城市根特的一个地区,也是根特的历史中心城区。香草河岸在11世纪随着贸易的繁荣尔开始发展,成为根特的主要港口。现在香草河岸仍然保留有18至19世纪的建筑,其景观得到了比利时政府的保护。
圣尼各老堂 是比利时根特最古老和最突出的地标建筑之一,始建于13世纪初,以取代一座早期的罗曼式建筑。教堂完成于13世纪末,斯凯尔特哥特式建筑风格。这种风格使用来自图尔奈地区的蓝灰色的石头,顶部中心单塔,以及建筑物转角处的细塔。
Stop by at this solid bridge to enjoy an amazing view of Ghent. This is one of the most photographed sceneries.
根特美术馆 是位于比利时城市根特的一座美术馆,收藏自14世纪至20世纪前期欧洲画家的作品。根特美术馆成立于1798年,是比利时历史最久的美术馆之一。
The Geeraard de Duivelsteen is a 13th century gothic architecture building in Ghent, Belgium.
The name says it all - this alley is a popular target for young graffiti artists. The street never stays the same for long.
圣弥额尔教堂 是位于比利时城市根特的一座罗马天主教的教堂,外观为哥特式建筑,内部装饰华丽。这座教堂在12世纪初期曾两次被烧毁但得到重建。现在的教堂建筑可能修建开始于1440年。教堂内有很多巴洛克风格的艺术品。
圣依撒伯尔大贝居安会院 是一座位于比利时根特的贝居安会院,是根特的三座贝居安会院之一。该会院以匈牙利的依撒伯尔而得名。
Korenmarkt is a city square in the historic center of Ghent, Belgium. Located between the Leie river and St.
The Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst is a relatively new museum located in Ghent, Belgium, and is renowned both for its permanent…
根特 (荷兰语:Gent,荷兰语发音: () ;法语:Gand,法语发音: () ;德语:Gent,德语发音: () ) ,比利时弗拉芒大区东佛兰德省城市,同时也是该省省会及最大城市,面积157.77平方千米,人口265,086人…
Waterfront promenade leading through the historical parts of the city. Just walk along the canal and enjoy the spectacular scenery.
The main shopping street in Ghent with all the brands you would expect. Perfect for shopping as well as just wandering around.
The Dulle Griet is a medieval large-calibre gun founded in Gent.
This square has been a popular meeting and shopping place since the Middle Ages. Stroll around and enjoy its bustle.
The Huis van Alijn is a museum located on the Kraanlei in Ghent, Belgium.
The seat of the Vooruit cooperative (now Bond Moyson) is an Art Noveau masterpiece that should not be missed by architecture connoisseurs.
The old monastery building is now in use by the university. Stop by, explore its several museums and marvel at the beauty of the building.