热舒夫城堡 是波兰城市热舒夫的一座城堡,也是热舒夫的地标之一。这里自16世纪开始就有城堡。现在的城堡修建于1902年至1906年。重建之后至1981年期间,该建筑曾被用作监狱。现在热舒夫城堡用作省法院。卢博米尔斯基宫位于城堡附近。
热舒夫火车总站 是位于波兰喀尔巴阡山省首府热舒夫的一座铁路车站。热舒夫的第一个车站建于1858年,随克拉科夫到利沃夫的铁路完工而启用。在随后的几年中,热舒夫成为一个重要的铁路枢纽。
The University of Rzeszów is a university in Rzeszów, Poland. The patron of the university is Saint Queen Jadwiga of Poland.
The University of Rzeszów is a university in Rzeszów, Poland. The patron of the university is Saint Queen Jadwiga of Poland.
TVP3 Rzeszów is one of the regional branches of the TVP, Poland's public television broadcaster.
The University of Rzeszów is a university in Rzeszów, Poland. The patron of the university is Saint Queen Jadwiga of Poland.
Hala Podpromie im. Jana Strzelczyka is an indoor arena based in Rzeszów, Poland.
Rzeszów University of Technology, also known as Rzeszów Polytechnic or Ignacy Łukasiewicz University of Technology, is a state-run…