戈夫岛 是一个南大西洋的火山岛,属于特里斯坦-达库尼亚且是英国海外领地圣赫勒拿、阿森松和特里斯坦-达库尼亚的一部分。它是一个无人定居岛,但南非国家南极计划从1956年起在该岛为其气象站一直驻扎有人员 。该岛是世界上最偏远的有人长期居留的地方之一。1505…
Longwood House is a mansion in St. Helena and the final residence of Napoleon Bonaparte, the former Emperor of the French, during his exile…
The Museum of Saint Helena is a museum on the island of Saint Helena, a British Overseas Territory in the south Atlantic Ocean.
High Knoll Fort is a redoubt-style fort of the English East India Company on Saint Helena, an island and British overseas territory in the…
雅各的天梯 是位于南大西洋圣赫勒拿詹姆斯敦的一处阶梯。这里原本为缆车道,修建于1829年。1871年,缆车被撤除,留下陡峭的阶梯。现在雅各的天梯是英国的I级登录建筑。
圣詹姆斯教堂 是圣赫勒拿的一座教堂。这座教堂位于詹姆斯敦,是南半球最古老的圣公会教堂。教堂建筑修建于1774年。1843年和1869年,教堂进行了改建。教堂顶部有座尖顶,但因安全原因而在1980年拆除。2020年恢复。这座建筑是英国的I级登录建筑。
This is a list of mountains and hills in Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha, the British Overseas Territory, listed by height.
Green Mountain is a common name for "The Peak", the highest point on Ascension Island, which has gained some fame for claims that it is one…
Saint Paul's Cathedral is a cathedral church on the island of St Helena and is part of the Diocese of St Helena.
Plantation House is the official residence of the governor of Saint Helena.