Uster Castle is a hill castle which was built probably around 1200 AD by the House of Rapperswil in the Swiss municipality of Uster in the…
Greifensee Castle is a castle in the municipality of Greifensee and the canton of Zurich in Switzerland.
格赖芬湖 ,是瑞士苏黎世州境内的一个湖泊,位于苏黎世东北11公里,面积160平方公里,是苏黎世州内仅次于苏黎世湖的第二大湖。该湖形状狭长,长约6公里,最宽处约1.6公里,最深处32米。
The Flieger Flab Museum is located in the Canton of Zurich in Dübendorf on the grounds of Dübendorf Air Base.
The Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology is a Swiss water research institute and an internationally networked…
The St Antonius Church, Egg is a Catholic Church in Egg, Zürich, Switzerland, dedicated to Anthony of Padua.