马特诺玛瀑布 是位于哥伦比亚河峡谷南岸 的一个瀑布。瀑布主要分为两段,其中一段在542英尺 处,紧接着的一段在69英尺 处,两段瀑布中间有一段9英尺 的斜坡,因此一般认为整个瀑布的落差为620英尺…
Tipsoo Lake, at an elevation of 5,298 feet above sea level, is an alpine lake within the Northern Cascade Range near the summit of Chinook…
The Historic Columbia River Highway is an approximately 75-mile-long scenic highway in the U.S. state of Oregon between Troutdale and The…
火山口湖 ,中文又译魁特湖,是位于美国俄勒冈州的一个火山湖。属火山口湖国家公园管区范围内。火山口湖以其深蓝色的湖水和很高的透明度而闻名。火山口湖最深的部分达655米 ,火山口约是在7,700年 前马札马火山喷发时形成。
The Belknap Bridge crosses the McKenzie River near the unincorporated community of Rainbow in Lane County, Oregon, United States.
拉森火山 是位于美国加利福尼亚州北部,喀斯喀特山脉最南端的一座活火山。标高3,189米。拉森火山拥有世界最大的火山穹丘。拉森火山的上一次喷发自1914年开始,在1915年5月达到喷发巅峰。现在仍有火山活动。目前拉森火山及其周边地区被划入拉森火山国家公园的范围内。
Mount Jefferson is a stratovolcano in the Cascade Volcanic Arc, part of the Cascade Range in the U.S. state of Oregon.
Detroit Lake is a reservoir impounded by the Detroit Dam on the North Santiam River 46 miles southeast of Salem, Oregon, United States.
The Bridge of the Gods is a steel truss cantilever bridge that spans the Columbia River between Cascade Locks, Oregon, and Washington state…
Ross Dam is a 540-foot-high, 1,300-foot-long concrete thin arch dam across the Skagit River, forming Ross Lake.
The Crater Glacier is a geologically young glacier that is located on Mount St. Helens, in the U.S. state of Washington.
Ross Lake is a large reservoir in the North Cascade mountains of northern Washington state, United States, and southwestern British…
Chilliwack Lake is a lake in the upper basin of the Chilliwack River southeast of the city of the same name in the Lower Mainland of…
Fish Lake is a reservoir located 4,639 feet above sea level in Jackson County, Oregon, United States. It is 35 miles northeast of Medford.
Cle Elum Lake is a lake and reservoir along the course of the Cle Elum River, in Washington state USA.
The Sediment Retention Structure is an earthen dam, 1,888 feet long and 184 feet high, on the North Fork Toutle River in the U.S. state of…
Foster Reservoir is a reservoir created by Foster Dam on the South Santiam River in the city of Foster, Oregon, United States.