圣马丁广场 是秘鲁首都利马最具代表性的公共空间之一。它位于科尔梅纳大道第九街区,位于1988年被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界遗产的利马历史中心内。它位于利马武器广场附近,通过吉隆德拉联盟步行街与之相连。广场中心有一座为了纪念秘鲁解放者何塞·德·圣马丁而建的纪念碑。
Located principally in the city centre or Cercado de Lima and Rímac areas, the Historic Centre of Lima is among the most important tourist…
Marcahuasi is a plateau in the Andes Mountains, located 60 km east of Lima, on the mountain range that rises to the right bank of the Rímac…
Bandurria is a large archaeological site on the Huaura River in Peru that has been dated to 4,000 BC.
希里什马柴山 ,是秘鲁的山峰,位于该国中南部利马大区的瓦罗奇里省,处于蒂克蒂科查湖以西,属于安第斯山脉的一部分,海拔高度约5,000米。