The Titicaca National Reservation is located in the Puno Region, Peru, in the Puno and Huancané provinces.
查文德万塔尔 是查文文化一个重要的考古遗迹,位于秘鲁北部的安卡什大区,距离利玛约250公里,海拔3,150米,1985年列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产的名单中,登录名称为夏文考古遗址。
马丘比丘 ,又译麻丘比丘,是一座建于前哥伦布时期 的印加帝国城市遗迹,位于秘鲁南部的秘鲁东部山脉,库斯科西北方80公里处,整个遗址高耸在海拔2,430米…
The largest fountain complex in the world. Awe-inspiring show you have never seen before - a must do not only if you have kids.
Located principally in the city centre or Cercado de Lima and Rímac areas, the Historic Centre of Lima is among the most important tourist…
圣马丁广场 是秘鲁首都利马最具代表性的公共空间之一。它位于科尔梅纳大道第九街区,位于1988年被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界遗产的利马历史中心内。它位于利马武器广场附近,通过吉隆德拉联盟步行街与之相连。广场中心有一座为了纪念秘鲁解放者何塞·德·圣马丁而建的纪念碑。
Vinicunca, or Winikunka, also called Montaña de Siete Colores, Montaña de Colores or Rainbow Mountain, is a mountain in the Andes of Peru…
库斯科圣母升天圣殿主教座堂 是天主教库斯科总教区的主教座堂,连同毗邻的较小的胜利堂 和圣家堂 ,位于秘鲁库斯科中心的主广场兵器广场…
Moray is an archaeological site in Peru approximately 50 kilometres northwest of Cuzco on a high plateau at about 3,500 metres and just…
戈克塔瀑布 当地称为“湫泪落”,意味滴落瀑布。这个瀑布靠近科卡钦瓦村和圣保罗村。这些村落位于秘鲁东北的亚马孙大区邦加拉省瓦雷拉区。
瓦斯卡兰国家公园 是秘鲁的一座国家公园,位于安第斯山脉西部的布兰卡山脉。秘鲁的最高峰,海拔6,768米的瓦斯卡兰山的北峰就坐落在此。1985年列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产。
The Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum is a museum in Lambayeque, Peru. It contains most of the important artifacts found at Huaca Rajada by…
The National Railway Museum of Peru is located in Tacna, Peru.The museum was built at the site of the old Tacna-Arica railway station,…
The Brüning Museum, also known as Museo Regional Arqueológico Enrique Bruning de Lambayeque was inaugurated in 1966 and it is located in…
Túcume is a pre-Hispanic site in Peru, south of the La Leche River on a plain around La Raya Mountain.
Huaca Rajada, also known as Sipán, is a Moche archaeological site in northern Peru in the Lambayeque Valley, that is famous for the tomb of…
昌昌 是位于秘鲁北部省份拉利伯塔德大区的一个考古遗址,在特鲁希略东方5公里。昌昌为奇穆王国的首都,于850年至1470年间逐渐建成,15世纪时被印加帝国所毁灭,它是前哥伦布时期南美洲最大的城市,覆盖的面积约有20平方公里,估计整座城市可以容纳30,000人。