斯瓦蒂瀑布 位于冰岛东南部瓦特纳冰川国家公园斯卡夫塔费德区内,瀑布水流从柱状玄武岩上倾泻下来,落差约12米左右。深色的玄武岩与白色的水流形成较强烈的视觉对比。为一处著名的旅游景点。
One of the last six turf churches in Iceland. Dedicated to saint Clement, It is preserved as a historical monument.
Hengifoss is the third highest waterfall in Iceland, 128 meters. It is located in Hengifossá in Fljótsdalshreppur, East Iceland.
Near the town of Egilsstaðir, this beautiful waterfall, with a cave hidden behind it, is a perfect hiking spot.
Búlandstindur is a mountain in Eastern Iceland between the bays Berufjörður and Hamarsfjörður. Mt.
Petra Sveinsdóttir's huge stone and mineral collection is the place not to miss if you are a real rock fan.
Ingólfshöfði is a small headland and private nature reserve on the south coast of Iceland.
The Hálslón Reservoir is a storage reservoir in Eastern Iceland on the Jökulsá á Dal River.
Djúpivogur Airport is an airport serving Djúpivogur, Iceland.