戈扎瀑布 是冰岛的瀑布,位于冰岛东北区。瀑布位于斯乔尔万达河 上,宽约30米,落差约12米。传说当地居民于公元1000年信奉基督教后,把之前膜拜的神像通通丢入瀑布深渊,是当时一种对宗教信仰虔诚的表现,而瀑布也因此得名众神瀑布。
代蒂瀑布 是冰岛东北部瓦特纳冰川国家公园内的瀑布,被认为是欧洲仅次于莱茵瀑布的最雄伟的瀑布。瀑布位于源于瓦特纳冰原的菲约德勒姆冰河上,该河流的流域覆盖冰岛东北部。丰富的沉淀物使河水发灰白色。
This soothing bath will help you relax and improve your health, thanks to the minerals in the water. A great experience.
Grjótagjá is a small lava cave near lake Mývatn in Iceland. It has a thermal spring inside.
米湖 ,是冰岛东北区的一个浅水富营养化淡水湖,面积37平方公里,位于一个活跃的火山区,距离克拉夫拉火山不远。该湖及其周边湿地生活着异常丰富的水鸟,特别是鸭子。约2300年前,玄武岩熔岩大量喷发而形成该湖,周围主要是由火山地貌景观,包括熔岩柱和无根泉。以其为源头的拉赫河…
Ásbyrgi is a glacial canyon and forest in the north of Iceland, located approximately 38 kilometres east of Húsavík on the Diamond Circle…
In this geothermal area, you can admire colourful sulfur crystals and try to hike a short trail.
Dimmuborgir is a large area of unusually shaped lava fields east of Mývatn in Iceland.
克拉布拉火山 是冰岛北部的火山,火山口直径约10公里,高度818米,曾爆发29次。1975年至1984年是克拉布拉火山的活跃期,期间有9次火山爆发。1977年起,这个地区的地热能为一间发电厂提供60兆瓦电力。
Akureyrarkirkja or The Church of Akureyri is a prominent Lutheran church at Akureyri in northern Iceland.
The Aldeyjarfoss waterfall is situated in the Highlands of Iceland at the northern part of the Sprengisandur Highland Road.
Öskjuvatn is a lake in the Highlands of Iceland. Its surface area is about 11 km².
The Herring Era Museum is located in Siglufjörður, Iceland. It is Iceland's largest maritime museum and the only Icelandic museum to have…
The resort is a popular hiking spot in summer, but really comes alive in winter. Skiing or snowboarding - try both and much more here.
A popular hiking area with trails.
海尔聚布雷兹山 是冰岛的平顶火山,位于该国东北部阿斯恰火山附近,海拔高度1,682米,最近一次火山喷发在更新世时期发生,人类在1908年首次成功登顶。
A pleasant ski resort that's not too big and crowded. Enjoy the two lifts and many cross-country skiing tracks.