国会山庄 位于加拿大安大略省渥太华市中心,坐落渥太华河南岸的官地,为加拿大国会建筑群所在。国会建筑呈哥德复兴风格,加上其政治核心地位,每年吸引约300万人次的访客到此游览。
The ByWard Market, is a retail and entertainment district in the downtown core of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
联邦广场 是加拿大安大略省渥太华市中心的一个城市广场,被认为是该市第二重要的仪式中心,仅次于国会山。联邦广场大致呈三角形,广场中心是国家战争纪念碑,Valiants Memorial在其外围。广场北到威灵顿街,东西两面是伊利近街。
The National Capital Commission is the Crown corporation responsible for development, urban planning, and conservation in Canada's Capital…
The Rideau Falls are two 11-metre waterfalls located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, where the Rideau River empties into the Ottawa River.
Gatineau Park is a federal park located in the Outaouais region of Quebec, Canada.
Vintage Wings of Canada is a not for profit, charitable organization, with a collection of historically significant aircraft.
Collège Saint-Alexandre is a private secondary school located in Gatineau, in the Outaouais region, in the province of Quebec, Canada.
Philemon Wright High School is an anglophone high school located in the Hull sector of Gatineau, Quebec, Canada.