亨利堡 是一处加拿大国家历史遗产,由加拿大公园局管理。它位于加拿大安大略省金斯顿的亨利角,靠近卡塔拉基河注入圣劳伦斯河的河口,安大略湖东端。堡垒得名于魁北克省总督亨利·汉密尔顿。
金斯顿市政厅 是加拿大安大略省金斯顿市的地方政府驻地。这是一座宏伟的新古典主义建筑,占据金斯顿市中心的一整个街区,面向安大略湖,建有豪华的穹顶。
Fort Frederick is a historic military building located on Point Frederick on the grounds of the Royal Military College of Canada in…
The Royal Military College of Canada, abbreviated in English as RMC and in French as CMR, is a military academy and, since 1959, a degree…
Murney Tower is a Martello tower in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, whose construction dates to January 1846.
Cathcart Tower is a Martello tower located on Cedar Island in the St. Lawrence River, off the eastern shore of Fort Henry in Kingston,…
Princess Street is a major arterial road in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
The Correctional Service of Canada, also known as Correctional Service Canada or Corrections Canada, is the Canadian federal government…
The Correctional Service of Canada, also known as Correctional Service Canada or Corrections Canada, is the Canadian federal government…