栎属 是壳斗科的一个属。栎属有600个种,其中450种来自栎亚属和150则是青刚栎亚属。主要分布在北半球与哥伦比亚的安第斯山脉。 栎树可以生长在从海平面高度到海拔4000米的地方,不同海拔生长着不同的特征物种,如常绿树和半常绿树物种。
欧洲栗 ,又称西洋栗、甜栗、甘栗,属于被子植物中的山毛榉科。原产于欧洲东南部与小亚细亚,现已广泛种植于欧洲各地。欧洲栗的果树耐寒且长寿,它的果实“栗子”则常被用作食材。
智利南洋杉 是最耐寒的南洋杉,原产于智利中部及阿根廷中西部,是常绿树,高40米,树干直径可达2米。其寿命悠长,可达1300年以上。智利南洋杉是南洋杉科少数分布于大洋洲以外的物种,其演化历史相当悠久,故被称为活化石。智利南洋杉是智利的国树。
智利南洋杉 是最耐寒的南洋杉,原产于智利中部及阿根廷中西部,是常绿树,高40米,树干直径可达2米。其寿命悠长,可达1300年以上。智利南洋杉是南洋杉科少数分布于大洋洲以外的物种,其演化历史相当悠久,故被称为活化石。智利南洋杉是智利的国树。
Luma apiculata, the Chilean myrtle or temu, is a species of flowering plant in the myrtle family, native to the central Andes between Chile…
Nothofagus antarctica is a deciduous tree or shrub native to southern Chile and Argentina from about 36°S to Tierra del Fuego, where it…
Luma apiculata, the Chilean myrtle or temu, is a species of flowering plant in the myrtle family, native to the central Andes between Chile…
Luma apiculata, the Chilean myrtle or temu, is a species of flowering plant in the myrtle family, native to the central Andes between Chile…
Nothofagus antarctica is a deciduous tree or shrub native to southern Chile and Argentina from about 36°S to Tierra del Fuego, where it…
Drimys winteri, the winter's bark or canelo, is a slender tree in the family Winteraceae, growing up to 20 m tall.
Nothofagus obliqua, commonly known as Patagonian oak, roble, pellín, roble pellín, and hualle in its early state of growth or roble beech,…
Nothofagus obliqua, commonly known as Patagonian oak, roble, pellín, roble pellín, and hualle in its early state of growth or roble beech,…
Nothofagus obliqua, commonly known as Patagonian oak, roble, pellín, roble pellín, and hualle in its early state of growth or roble beech,…
Acacia melanoxylon, commonly known as the Australian blackwood, is an Acacia species native in South eastern Australia.
Acacia melanoxylon, commonly known as the Australian blackwood, is an Acacia species native in South eastern Australia.
Acacia melanoxylon, commonly known as the Australian blackwood, is an Acacia species native in South eastern Australia.
Gevuina avellana is an evergreen tree, up to 20 meters tall. It is the only species currently classified in the genus Gevuina.