The Former National Congress Building is the former home of the Chilean Congress.
Centro Cultural Palacio de La Moneda is a cultural facility located in Santiago, Chile, under Citizenry Square, in the southern façade of…
圣路济亚山是圣地亚哥-德智利中心的一个小山丘。南面是解放者贝尔纳多·奥希金斯大道,西为圣路济亚街,东为Victoria Subercaseaux 。相邻的圣地亚哥地铁车站以其命名。圣路济亚山海拔629米,超出周边地区69米。圣路济亚山是一个 1500万年火山的残余。
圣地亚哥都主教座堂 是天主教智利的圣地牙哥总教区的主教座堂,新古典主义建筑,建于1748-1800年,19世纪末形成目前的外观。此前的教堂已毁于地震。
你可以从角落里闻到这个市场的味道 - 每天在这里出售的鱼的数量令人难以置信。钓鱼是智利的典型产业,这个市场证明了这一点。来这里尝试一下典型的智利海鲜菜肴。
Set next to the Valley of the Moon, it has a similiar surface resembling the moon. Incredible views and surroundings, a must-see.
Anakena is a white coral sand beach in Rapa Nui National Park on Rapa Nui, a Chilean island in the Pacific Ocean.
They say that if you haven't been to the Dead Sea, this will do the trick. The salt concentration in this turquoise water is even higher.
Pukará de Quitor is a pre-Columbian archaeological site in northern Chile.
Amalia Glacier, also known as Skua Glacier, is a tidewater glacier located in Bernardo O'Higgins National Park on the edge of the Sarmiento…
Marvel at the beautiful lakes in the area which was declared a Wetland of International Importance. A must-see if you're visiting the desert.
Enjoy the glorious sunrise or sunset while observing the pink flamingos who live in this lagoon. It's a part of the nature reserve.
阿塔卡马巨人地表画像 是智利阿塔卡马沙漠一幅类似人物图案的地上巨画。座标位置:南纬19°56'56",西经69°37'59"。
Rano Raraku is a volcanic crater formed of consolidated volcanic ash, or tuff, and located on the lower slopes of Terevaka in the Rapa Nui…
Ahu Tongariki is the largest ahu on Easter Island. Its moais were toppled during the island's civil wars, and in the twentieth century the…
圣马可大教堂 是位于智利北部城市阿里卡的一座天主教堂。