圣母升天圣阿达尔贝特圣殿都主教座堂 ,简称埃斯泰尔戈姆圣殿 ,是匈牙利艾斯特根的一座罗马天主教教堂,虽无证据显示其为宗座圣殿 ,但却被惯称为圣殿 ,是天主教艾斯特根-布达佩斯总教区的主教座堂,匈牙利天主教会的总部,其主保圣人是布拉格的亚德伯。
玛丽nyihao瓦莱里桥 是位于匈牙利和斯洛伐克国境处的一座跨越多瑙河的桥梁,长约500米,竣工于1895年。
Tata Castle, built at the mid 14th-century on the northern tip of Lake Öreg, is one of the jewels of Tata, Hungary.
阿尔帕德大公 ,匈牙利的第一位大公 。阿尔帕德王朝的创建者。他是由一个突厥部落卡巴尔人派来的,这部落和可萨人有关。
Komárno - Komárom fortification system is a system of forts, bastions, and fortifications in and around the towns of Komárno and Komárom on…
1848年匈牙利革命 是欧洲1848年革命的一部分,与1848年奥地利帝国革命紧密相连。在革命发生后,匈牙利王国从哈布斯堡王朝奥地利帝国独立,但很快被俄奥联军镇压,匈牙利重新并入奥地利。
Komárno - Komárom fortification system is a system of forts, bastions, and fortifications in and around the towns of Komárno and Komárom on…
Komárno - Komárom fortification system is a system of forts, bastions, and fortifications in and around the towns of Komárno and Komárom on…
Komárno - Komárom fortification system is a system of forts, bastions, and fortifications in and around the towns of Komárno and Komárom on…
The Christian Museum is the largest ecclesiastical collection in Hungary; it conserves European and Hungarian works of art from the period…
Fort Monostor is a fort is situated close to the city of Komárom, Hungary. It was built between 1850 and 1871.
The Pannonian Limes is that part of the old Roman fortified frontier known as the Danubian Limes that runs for approximately 420 km from…
Dobogókő is a popular tourist area near Pilisszentkereszt in Hungary, and the site of the highest point in the Visegrád Hills at 699 meters…