A protected area that showcases animals typical for the region. The surrounding nature is enchanting no matter the season.
The Hungarian Open Air Museum is Hungary’s largest outdoor ethnographic collection, founded in 1967.
玛丽亚·特蕾西娅·瓦尔布加·阿马利娅·克里斯蒂娜 ,哈布斯堡君主国史上唯一女性统治者,统治范围覆盖奥地利、匈牙利王国、克罗地亚、波希米亚、特兰西瓦尼亚、曼托瓦、米兰、加利西亚和洛多梅里亚、奥属尼德兰及帕尔马。通过婚姻,其亦为洛林公爵夫人、托斯卡纳大公夫人及神圣罗马皇后。
多瑙大弯 是多瑙河在匈牙利国内的一个大型转弯河段,靠近维谢格拉德。多瑙河在这里由东西流向转为南北流向。多瑙大弯是匈牙利最为著名的观光景点之一。现在的多瑙大弯是由火山喷发而形成。
多瑙河 是欧洲第二大河,次于俄罗斯的伏尔加河,发源于德国黑森林地区,最后注入黑海,全长2857千米,流域面积81.7万平方千米,平均流量为6500立方米/秒。
The Lakihegy Tower is a 314-metre-high radio mast at Szigetszentmiklós-Lakihegy in Hungary.
Ödön Lechner was a Hungarian architect, one of the prime representatives of the Hungarian Szecesszió style, which was related to Art…
欧乌鸫 又称欧亚乌鸫,是鸫属的一种鸟类。其下有多个亚种,分布与欧、亚、非和北美洲,是瑞典的国鸟。后来又被引入澳大利亚和新西兰,并成为了澳大利亚当地的入侵物种。欧乌鸫是一种留鸟,但有些地方的亚种也会进行迁徙。
欧亚鸲 ,又名知更鸟,是一种小型的雀形目鸟类,曾被界定为鸫亚科,现归类为鹟科。欧洲很常见,由西伯利亚至阿尔及利亚,远至大西洋的亚速尔群岛和马德拉群岛,以及东南面的高加索山脉,也有其踪迹。
Vácrátót Botanical Garden is a botanical garden in Hungary maintained by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Count Albert Wass de Szentegyed et Czege was a Hungarian nobleman, forest engineer, novelist, poet and member of the Wass de Czege family.
The Battle of Isaszeg took place in the Spring Campaign of the Hungarian War of Independence from 1848 to 1849, between the Austrian Empire…
Aeropark is an open-air aviation museum next to Ferenc Liszt International Airport, Budapest, Hungary.
The Premontre monastery church of Zsámbék is a ruin of a Romanesque church in the town of Zsámbék, Pest County, Hungary.
Coloman of Halych was the ruler—from 1214 prince, and from 1215 or 1216 to 1221 king—of Halych, and duke of Slavonia from 1226 to his death.