Visit the bird sanctuary to have look more than 40 exotic species. Kids will love especially toucans or parrots.
Sukkulenten-Sammlung Zürich, literally succulent plant collection of the city of Zürich, is a botanical garden in the Swiss municipality of…
Beach accompanied by a trendy open-air bar that operates depending on the weather. Probably the most equipped 'beach' at Zurich Lake.
The Rietberg Museum is a museum in Zürich, Switzerland, displaying Asian, African, American and Oceanian art.
The ruins of the castle Manegg are situated on the eastern slopes of the Albis range in the canton of Zürich, near Leimbach.
里特公园 是瑞士苏黎世的一处园林,得名于曾拥有此地的里特家族。它位于城区西南、苏黎世湖西岸。园中包括韦森东克别墅、里特别墅、舍恩贝格别墅等19世纪建筑,现在是里特贝格博物馆的所在地。
国际冰球联合会 是一个国际性的冰球体育组织,由世界各国的冰球协会组成。总部设于瑞士苏黎世。现任主席为Luc Tardif Sr.。目前共有81个会员协会。
Rote Fabrik is a former factory in the Wollishofen neighbourhood of Zürich, Switzerland. It is now used as a music venue and cultural centre.
Gottfried Keller was a Swiss poet and writer of German literature. Best known for his novel Green Henry and his cycle of novellas called The…
瑞士人寿 是瑞士最大的人寿保险公司,也是瑞士第一个人寿保险公司。它于1867年创立于苏黎世,原名“Schweizerische Lebensversicherungs und Rentenanstalt”,1997年在瑞士证券交易所上市,2002年改现名。