马丘比丘 ,又译麻丘比丘,是一座建于前哥伦布时期 的印加帝国城市遗迹,位于秘鲁南部的秘鲁东部山脉,库斯科西北方80公里处,整个遗址高耸在海拔2,430米…
The Inca Bridge or Inka Bridge refers to one of two places related to access to Machu Picchu, in Peru.
Wiñay Wayna is an Inca ruin along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. It is built into a steep hillside overlooking the Urubamba River.
Puyupatamarca or Phuyupatamarca is an archaeological site along the Inca Trail in the Urubamba Valley of Peru.
Runkuraqay or Runku Raqay is an archaeological site on a mountain of the same name in Peru located in the Cusco Region, Urubamba Province,…